• Digital prescription

    Enhancing Medication Management and Safety with Digital Prescription. By utilizing digital technology to speed up the procedure and enhance patient safety, our Digital Prescription feature aims to fundamentally alter how doctors prescribe pharmaceuticals to their patients. Find out below about the main characteristics of our digital prescription system.

Drug-to-Drug Interaction

Our system has a large database that looks for possible drug interactions. Doctors are informed while writing prescriptions about potential drug interactions with a patient’s current treatment regimen. The danger of negative responses is reduced and patient safety is increased thanks to this feature.

Medication Allergy Alerts

In our digital prescription system, patient safety is of the utmost importance. Any allergies or adverse drug responses that a patient may have are reported to the doctor. This warning system makes sure that doctors may prescribe substitute drugs or take the required safety measures, reducing the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Customizable Prescription Templates

Our Digital Prescription system provides editable prescription templates that enable physicians to tailor prescriptions to match the needs of certain patients. As templates, doctors can save the dosages, instructions, and medications that they commonly give, saving time and guaranteeing consistency in their prescribing methods.

Dosing and Direction Accuracy

For patient compliance and successful treatment outcomes, accuracy in dose and medication instructions is essential. Our system offers detailed directions for dose, including frequency and duration. Doctors can quickly choose the proper dosage strengths from pre-populated alternatives or modify them based on the specific needs of each patient.

Prescription History and Tracking

With the help of our Prescription History function, you can easily keep track of and examine previous prescriptions. A thorough record of all prescription medications for every patient is available to doctors, enabling continuity of care. With the aid of this tool, medical professionals can keep track of patient treatment outcomes, change drugs as needed, and make wise choices at follow-up appointments.

Secure and Confidential

The security and confidentiality of patient information are our top priorities. Patient data is protected and securely maintained through our Digital Prescription system, which follows stringent security measures. To ensure patient privacy and data confidentiality, we adhere to industry norms and laws.

Sending Via Email or SMS

Prescriptions can be sent directly to patients by email or SMS using our system, which is convenient. Prescriptions can be delivered to patients digitally, removing the need for paper copies and lowering the possibility of lost or missing prescriptions. This feature improves patient convenience and makes sure that patients and doctors can communicate easily.

Try Digital Prescriptions for Convenience and Safety

Learn how our Digital Prescription tool can improve patient safety and drug management in your prescription practises. By providing precise dosage instructions, you can streamline the prescription process, reduce drug interactions, and boost adherence. To find out more about our Digital Prescription system and its advantages for your practice, get in touch with our sales team or arrange a trial.