Our Story

Rxefy is an outcome of entrepreneurial journey of couple of serial entrepreneurs joining hands together to create a digital platform catering to doctors and other medical professionals through a robust, easy to use, cost effective and innovative application. The aim of the Rxefy is to create a digital eco-system enabling doctors and other stakeholders to address to their professional challenges.

Medical science is a knowledge intensive and data driven profession. However, data capturing in medical field is yet to reach a matured level. Several government initiatives such as ABHA have intensified data capture and analysis, despite that actual data capturing and even more so use of the captured data for analysis is still at normative stage as majority of the doctors still prefer writing prescription using pen and paper over digital mode. There are several reasons or challenges for which doctors prefers not to write prescriptions digitally. Further, unlike other professionals like CA, Lawyers, IT Consultants who can always buy time to go back to the knowledge resources to cater to their customers, doctors do not have that liberty. They are expected to deliver service on the spot. Patients judge them on that. The amount of medical information has increased over the years. Keeping all this information in active memory is a massive challenge for the doctors. Rxefy aims to make doctors life easier by addressing their day-to-day challenges in practice.

Our Values

Empowering medical professionals with cutting-edge digital tools for improved patient care and career success. Delivering a thorough, user-friendly platform that encourages cooperation, streamlines operations, and promotes cost-effective healthcare practises.


Our vision is to build a future where healthcare professionals have access to a digital platform that seamlessly combines cutting-edge technology and abundant resources, empowering them to successfully provide excellent patient care and address work-related difficulties.


Our mission is to create a strong, user-friendly, economical, and cutting-edge digital platform that is specifically designed for doctors and other medical professionals. By empowering healthcare professionals with this platform, we hope to improve their effectiveness, output, and overall professional competencies, which will ultimately result in better patient outcomes.

Here are our precise objectives, which are based on this vision and mission:

Enhance Workflow Efficiency

By offering user-friendly tools and features that lessen administrative burdens, automate repetitive operations, and simplify procedures, we hope to optimise medical workflows. Our objective is to make it possible for medical professionals to devote more time and resources to provide their patients with individualized treatment.

Enhance Patient Care

We are dedicated to enhancing patient care by giving physicians and other healthcare providers access to cutting-edge clinical decision support technologies, evidence-based resources, and real-time patient data. Our mission is to equip healthcare professionals with the resources and information they need to make wise decisions and deliver the best possible care.

Creating a digital ecosystem

Creating a digital ecosystem that encourages networking, cooperation, and knowledge exchange among healthcare professionals is one of our main goals. We want to make it easier for doctors to engage with one another, collaborate across disciplines, and share best practices so they may all grow as professionals and overcome obstacles.

Ensure Cost-Effectiveness

We want to provide healthcare providers with a cost-effective option that they can use in a variety of settings and budgets. Our mission is to remove financial barriers from access to cutting-edge technology so that all healthcare professionals may take use of its features.

Drive Innovation and Flexibility

We are dedicated to fostering innovation by consistently integrating the most recent developments in healthcare technology into our platform. Our objective is to continually be on the cutting edge of business trends, new technologies, and legislative changes. We continually work to make our platform better in order to suit the changing needs of healthcare professionals. We strive to remain flexible and agile.

User-Centric Design

We place a high value on user experience and work to develop a platform that is simple to use, doesn’t require much training, and is as effective as possible. The platform’s features should be easy for healthcare professionals to use and navigate, allowing them to concentrate on providing care for patients rather than fumbling with complicated technology.

By pursuing these objectives, Rxefy hopes to realize its vision of a future in which healthcare professionals prosper in a digital ecosystem that equips them to deliver great care and successfully navigate professional obstacles. Our goal is to promote the healthcare sector as a whole by creating and delivering a platform that is tailored specifically to the needs of physicians and other medical professionals.

Here are our precise objectives, which are based on this vision and mission:

a.Enhance Workflow Efficiency: By offering user-friendly tools and features that lessen administrative burdens, automate repetitive operations, and simplify procedures, we hope to optimise medical workflows. Our objective is to make it possible for medical professionals to devote more time and resources to provide their patients with individualized treatment.

b. Enhance Patient Care: We are dedicated to enhancing patient care by giving physicians and other healthcare providers access to cutting-edge clinical decision support technologies, evidence-based resources, and real-time patient data. Our mission is to equip healthcare professionals with the resources and information they need to make wise decisions and deliver the best possible care.

c. Creating a digital ecosystem that encourages networking, cooperation, and knowledge exchange among healthcare professionals is one of our main goals. We want to make it easier for doctors to engage with one another, collaborate across disciplines, and share best practices so they may all grow as professionals and overcome obstacles.

d. Ensure Cost-Effectiveness: We want to provide healthcare providers with a cost-effective option that they can use in a variety of settings and budgets. Our mission is to remove financial barriers from access to cutting-edge technology so that all healthcare professionals may take use of its features.

e. Drive Innovation and Flexibility: We are dedicated to fostering innovation by consistently integrating the most recent developments in healthcare technology into our platform. Our objective is to continually be on the cutting edge of business trends, new technologies, and legislative changes. We continually work to make our platform better in order to suit the changing needs of healthcare professionals. We strive to remain flexible and agile.

f. User-Centric Design: We place a high value on user experience and work to develop a platform that is simple to use, doesn’t require much training, and is as effective as possible. The platform’s features should be easy for healthcare professionals to use and navigate, allowing them to concentrate on providing care for patients rather than fumbling with complicated technology.

By pursuing these objectives, Rxefy hopes to realise its vision of a future in which healthcare professionals prosper in a digital ecosystem that equips them to deliver great care and successfully navigate professional obstacles. Our goal is to promote the healthcare sector as a whole by creating and delivering a platform that is tailored specifically to the needs of physicians and other medical professionals.